Thursday, October 14, 2021

Fish Report - Progress 10/14/21

Fish Report - Progress 10/14/21..

Greetings All, 

Never before has a single part held me from repair as this transmission housing flange has. 

Parts professionals from many companies have exhausted their resources and drawn a blank: even into the scrap yards, neither the part nor a new/used replacement could be found. (mg5081/5082 flange)

Towel thrown in, I finally bought a different Twin Disc transmission—new—that will require much fitting at the engine bedders before being operational. 

All that heavy steel & (not so much!) horsepower has to be lined up crazy-straight or you'll vibrate the boat to pieces.. 

So, wish us luck. Fitting begins tomorrow 10/15/21..

After 2 root canals and a hefty chunk of change in lost business & repair, I have no cause for expectation of a smooth installation. 

When I do, at last, have a boat to take people fishing on again, I'll open sea bass and a few special fluke trips though what's left of October. 

Always a favorite month—so hopefully soon - but not yet. 

I'm not going to have Anna spinning her wheels on reservations I can't abide. 

I will promise this, me not having a boat made for a gloomy time; not a comfortable place at all. 

Going fishing as soon as sea trials are done and the weather is good. 

And no, I do not know when that will be.



Capt Monty Hawkins